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Emergency Department Visits

Analyzing ED claims data helps identify high utilizers of emergency services, often indicating overuse of EDs for conditions that can be managed with proper primary care.

ED Visits Trended

Trending ED Visit Volume, PKPY, and Cost

with ed as (
,TO_CHAR(encounter_end_date, 'YYYYMM') AS year_month
,COUNT(*) AS ed_visits
,AVG(paid_amount) as avg_paid_amount
,sum(paid_amount) as total_paid_amount
from core.encounter
where encounter_type = 'emergency department'
group by data_source
,TO_CHAR(encounter_end_date, 'YYYYMM')

, member_months as (
, year_month
, count(1) as member_months
from financial_pmpm.member_months
group by
, year_month

, a.year_month
, b.member_months
, ed_visits
, cast(ed_visits / member_months * 12000 as decimal(18,2)) as ed_visits_pkpy
, cast(avg_paid_amount as decimal(18,2)) as avg_paid_amount
, cast(total_paid_amount as decimal(18,2))as ed_total_paid_amount
from member_months b
left join ed a
on a.year_month = b.year_month
and a.data_source = b.data_source
order by 1,2
ED Spend as Percent of Total Spend
select data_source
,sum(emergency_department_paid) as ed_paid
,sum(total_paid) as total_paid
,cast(sum(emergency_department_paid) as decimal(18,2))/cast(sum(total_paid) as decimal(18,2)) as ed_percent_of_total_paid
from financial_pmpm.pmpm_prep
group by data_source
order by data_source
ED Visits by Member and Year
, TO_CHAR(encounter_end_date, 'YYYY') AS year_nbr
, patient_id
, COUNT(*) AS ed_visits
from core.encounter
where encounter_type = 'emergency department'
group by data_source
, TO_CHAR(encounter_end_date, 'YYYY')
, patient_id
ORDER BY ed_visits desc
, year_nbr
, patient_id
Frequency Distribution of ED Visits
with visits as (
, patient_id
, COUNT(*) AS ed_visits
from core.encounter
where encounter_type = 'emergency department'
group by data_source
, patient_id

,members as (
select distinct patient_id
from financial_pmpm.member_months

,members_total as (
select count(*) as total_member_count
from members

,members_with_visits as (
select m.patient_id
,coalesce(v.ed_visits,0) as ed_visits
from members m
left join visits v on m.patient_id = v.patient_id
m.data_source = v.data_source

select ed_visits
,count(*) as member_count
,count(*) / cast(max(total_member_count) as real) as percent_of_total_members
from members_with_visits
cross join members_total
group by ed_visits
order by ed_visits
Count of ED NPIs

select data_source
,count(distinct facility_npi) as ed_facilities_count
from core.encounter e
where encounter_type = 'emergency department'
group by
order by ed_facilities_count desc
Visit by Facility
, COUNT(*) AS ed_visits
, sum(cast(e.paid_amount as decimal(18,2))) as paid_amount
, cast(sum(e.paid_amount)/count(*) as decimal(18,2))as paid_per_visit
from core.encounter e
where encounter_type = 'emergency department'
group by
ORDER BY ed_visits desc
Admit Source and Type
, admit_source_description
, admit_type_code
, admit_type_description
, count(*) AS ed_visits
, sum(cast(e.paid_amount as decimal(18,2))) as paid_amount
, cast(sum(e.paid_amount)/count(*) as decimal(18,2))as paid_per_visit
from core.encounter e
where encounter_type = 'emergency department'
group by
, admit_source_description
, admit_type_code
, admit_type_description
ORDER BY ed_visits desc

ED Classification

The Tuva Project utilizes the NYU algorithm to classify ED visits, helping to identify care patterns that are not being met by primary care providers.

Of the different classifications in the NYU algorithm, the categories usually classified as "potentially preventable" are:

  • Emergent, Primary Care Treatable
  • Non-Emergent
  • Emergent, ED Care Needed, Preventable/Avoidable
ED Classification
select coalesce(s.ed_classification_description,'Not Classified') as ed_classification_category
, count(*) as visit_count
, sum(cast(e.paid_amount as decimal(18,2))) as paid_amount
, cast(sum(e.paid_amount)/count(*) as decimal(18,2))as paid_per_visit
from core.encounter e
left join ed_classification.summary s on e.encounter_id = s.encounter_id
group by coalesce(s.ed_classification_description,'Not Classified')
order by visit_count desc
Members with at least One Potentially Preventable ED Visit
with enc as 
select e.patient_id
,left(year_month,4) as year_nbr
,count(distinct e.encounter_id) as potentially_preventable
,sum(e.paid_amount) as paid_amount
from core.encounter e
inner join ed_classification.summary s on e.encounter_id = s.encounter_id
where ed_classification_description in ('Emergent, Primary Care Treatable','Non-Emergent','Emergent, ED Care Needed, Preventable/Avoidable')
group by e.patient_id

,member_year as (
select distinct data_source
,left(year_month,4) as year_nbr
from financial_pmpm.pmpm_prep pmpm

select my.data_source
,sum(case when enc.potentially_preventable >=1 then 1 else 0 end) as members_with_potentially_preventable
,count(*) as total_members
,sum(case when enc.potentially_preventable >=1 then 1 else 0 end)/count(*) as potentially_preventable_percent_of_total
,sum(enc.paid_amount)/sum(enc.potentially_preventable) as avg_cost_potentially_preventable
from member_year my
left join enc on my.year_nbr = enc.year_nbr
enc.data_source = my.data_source
enc.patient_id = my.patient_id
group by my.data_source
Primary Diagnosis Codes for Avoidable Categories
select coalesce(s.ed_classification_description,'Not Classified') as ed_classification_category
, e.primary_diagnosis_code
, e.primary_diagnosis_description
, count(*) as visit_count
, sum(cast(e.paid_amount as decimal(18,2))) as paid_amount
, cast(sum(e.paid_amount)/count(*) as decimal(18,2))as paid_per_visit
from core.encounter e
left join ed_classification.summary s on e.encounter_id = s.encounter_id
where ed_classification_description in ('Emergent, Primary Care Treatable','Non-Emergent','Emergent, ED Care Needed, Preventable/Avoidable')
group by coalesce(s.ed_classification_description,'Not Classified')
, e.primary_diagnosis_code
, e.primary_diagnosis_description
order by ed_classification_category
, visit_count desc

ED Diagnosis Grouping

The Tuva Project provides several ways of grouping diagnosis codes. CCSR (AHRQ) provides a hierarchy grouping of diagnosis codes, and is useful for recognizing patterns of care by what the patient was diagnosed with at the ED.

Chronic Conditions are a way of grouping members by conditions that they have been diagnosed with (within the relevant timespan, usually the last 1 or 2 years.)

ED Visits by CCSR Category and Body System

, P.ccsr_category_description
, P.ccsr_parent_category
, B.body_system
, count(*) as visit_count
, sum(cast(e.paid_amount as decimal(18,2))) as paid_amount
, cast(sum(e.paid_amount)/count(*) as decimal(18,2))as paid_per_visit
from core.encounter e
left join ccsr.dx_vertical_pivot P ON e.primary_diagnosis_code = p.Code
and p.ccsr_category_rank = 1
left join CCSR._value_set_dxccsr_v2023_1_body_systems B ON P.CCSR_PARENT_CATEGORY = B.CCSR_PARENT_CATEGORY
group by P.ccsr_category
, P.ccsr_category_description
, P.ccsr_parent_category
, B.body_system
order by visit_count desc

ED Visits by Chronic Condition Category

Since members often have more than one chronic condition, encounters are duplicated for each chronic condition causing the total amount to be inflated. The division of encounters by chronic condition is useful for comparision across disease states, and less so from the total standpoint.

WITH chronic_condition_members as
FROM chronic_conditions.tuva_chronic_conditions_long

,chronic_conditions as (
SELECT patient_id
, condition_family
, condition
FROM chronic_conditions.tuva_chronic_conditions_long


SELECT p.patient_id
, 'No Chronic Conditions' as condition_family
, 'No Chronic Conditions' as Condition
FROM core.patient p
LEFT JOIN chronic_condition_members ccm on p.patient_id=ccm.patient_id
where ccm.patient_id is null

select cc.condition
, cc.condition_family
, count(*) as visit_count
, sum(cast(e.paid_amount as decimal(18,2))) as paid_amount
, cast(sum(e.paid_amount)/count(*) as decimal(18,2))as paid_per_visit
from core.encounter e
left join chronic_conditions cc on e.patient_id = cc.patient_id
where encounter_type = 'emergency department'
group by
, cc.condition_family
order by visit_count desc